Hi, everyone. A quick update to Magician’s Dawn, the prequel to the Dark Mage Series. After several requests, I’ve decided to make the book available for purchase as a paperback ($12.99) and hardback ($17.99) volumes. The FREE eBook is still only available to those who sign up for the Dark Mage Series Reader’s List. For links on where to purchase the physical copies, click here and scroll down.
New Prequel Available
Hi, everyone. Just a quick update to my last post. The prequel to the Dark Mage Series is now available. However, it can’t be purchased in ebook stores. You can only get it by signing up for the Dark Mage Series Reader’s List at the top of my website: https://dbrucecotton.com
Magician’s Dawn is a full-sized, 300-page novel, not a short story or novella. It also includes a glossary to help with pronunciation of some of the more difficult names.
After signing up, you’ll receive an email with a link for downloading the book to your favorite reading device. I hope you enjoy it!
D. Bruce Cotton